In front of the Qianwang Temple, there are two stunning ponds of lotus that I love to visit during early spring. The first bloom of the lotus leaves resting on the surface of the water always captivates me, compelling me to stop and take in the view for a while. I often find myself gazing at the pliable stems of the lotus that poke straight into the water and occasionally ripple with the play of small fish. Even in the depths of the water, the ink-coloured stems of last year's winter lotus are visible. These fresh and elegant first lotus have become the subject of my series, "First Lotus".
Title First Lotus 200704
Media Oil painting on canvas
Size 19×25 in (50×65 cm)
Title First Lotus 200704
Media Oil painting on canvas
Size 31×41 in (80×105 cm)
Title Playful Dance of Fish 200707
Media Oil painting on canvas
Size 31×41 in (80×105 cm)
Private Collection
Title First Lotus 201303-201501
Media Oil painting
Size 41×31 in (105×80 cm)
Title First Lotus 201411
Media Oil painting on canvas
Size 19×25 in (50×65 cm)
Title First Lotus 201412
Media Oil painting on canvas
Size 25×19 in (65×50 cm)
Title First Lotus 201502
Media Oil painting
Size 47×39in (120×100 cm)
Title First Lotus 20240508
Media oil on canvas
Size 20 x 16 in (50.8 x 40.6 cm)
Title First Lotus 20240624
Media oil on canvas
Size 24 x 24 in (61 x 61 cm)